Let The Candidates Speak!

by John Weckerle

In a  letter to the Mountain View Telegraph this week, Edgewood Mayor Bob Stearley endorses incumbent Town Council member Glenn Felton and essentially pans both incumbent Rita Loy Simmons and former Council member Chuck Ring.  Mr. Stearley’s endorsement and criticisms – which likely do not surprise those familiar with the political climate of Edgewood – gave us pause for thought.  In an area where newspapers are published only weekly, the point-counterpoint nature of electoral politics can be difficult on candidates.  So, for all intents and purposes, we’re throwing New Mexico Central open to the candidates.

From now until elections are held, any candidate in a local or county election within our coverage area (Sandias, Manzanos, and the Estancia Valley), may publish anything he or she wishes until elections are held.  Let us make this clear: for candidates ONLY, editorial policies will be waived with the caveat that libel is a serious charge and it will be they, and not we, who pay the price of false statements of fact.  Any photos should be optimized for web use.  Candidates are encouraged to send us an e-mail at editor@nm-central.com, and we will provide a user name, password, and other information to get you started.  Candidates may submit their first article via e-mail; however, we ask that formatting be held to a minimum in e-mail submissions and cannot guarantee that formatting will be perfectly preserved.

We will be e-mailing a copy of this article to all the candidates for whom we have e-mail addresses; however, we don’t have all of them, and ask our readers to alert their favorite candidates to this opportunity.

One Response “Let The Candidates Speak!”

  1. Thanks John ~ excellent idea… of course, I could be saying that because Mountainair Arts will be doing the same for Mountainair candidates… and for the same seasons you lay out so well.

    I’ll pass on information about your offer to candidates I have email for. Plus, I’ll be blogging this article in more detail. It’s already in the “I’m reading…” widget but no telling how many will catch it there.

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