Let’s All Take A Break For A Well-Deserved Howl

by John Weckerle

Fell voices drifting through the night?  Maybe so, and maybe not – but regardless, tonight is the Wolf Moon. This month’s “full” moon is closer to the Earth than it will be at any time in 2010.

Enjoy it while you can, folks, because this precious resource is on its way.  The Moon is moving away at 1.6 inches every year.  For those who didn’t get a chance to see it, we took the New Mexico Central camera outside and took a shot.

Wolf Moon 2010

2010 Wolf Moon Over The Estancia Valley

3 Responses “Let’s All Take A Break For A Well-Deserved Howl”

  1. thanks ~ absolutely gorgeous

  2. Thanks! It was shot hand-held with my 100-400mm zoom lens – my favorite lens so far.

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