Tea Party, Or Not Tea Party: That Is The Question

by John Weckerle

The East Mountain Tea Party  has a web site and an anonymous internet spokesperson – a shadowy figure known as “teapartynm.”  It holds rallies and meetings, and stages protests.  It writes letters to elected officials, and conducts candidate forums.  It lobbies.  It has ties to a local religious organization that repudiates Islam (see our previous article, East Mountain Tea Party Officials and Islam) and believes that the United States should declare war on Russia and China.  But does the East Mountain Tea Party actually exist?

Our research tends to suggest that it does not, at least in any official sense.  We took some time to search the State of New Mexico corporations database, the database of nonprofit organizations at Guidestar.org, and the IRS database of tax-exempt organizations for the East Mountain Tea Party – and found no reference to the group.  We find this puzzling, as the organization seems to fit nicely into the “527” category and actively solicits donations on its web site.   This raises some questions as to whether the receipt of the donations is being accomplished in compliance with State and Federal tax laws.  This an issue that has haunted several organizations in our area, including the Edgewood and Moriarty Chambers of Commerce, and those providing donations to the East Mountain Tea Party should consider this along with other factors in making decisions regarding donations.

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