Archive for May 17, 2009

Grow Your Own – The Rise Of The Horicultural Sneaker

by John Weckerle

Today’s gardening adventure started relatively early – before the remains of yesterday’s impotent clouds had entirely cleared from the sky.  The sounds of Rice Krispies rose in the surrounding woods.  That’s right…Rice Krispies.  I am one of those people lucky enough to have enough hearing left to actually hear the tentative tune-ups of recently emerged cicadas testing out their instruments before bursting into symphonic harmony, and the sound (as I hear it; nobody else here at headquarters can) closely approximates that audibly entertaining breakfast cereal that we enjoyed so many years ago, and many still do today.

Today’s objective was to prepare and begin planting the north bed.  Having learned my lesson last year, and having seen the benefits of temporary enclosures, the first step was to begin construction of a wind-protection setup that could be quickly converted to a full-blown mini-greenhouse should the temperature pull the sort of fast one it did last May.   I set out to create something that would be easy to water and inspect – and ended up with a running shoe. »» Grow Your Own – The Rise Of The Horicultural Sneaker