Archive for October 10, 2008

Winter Is Coming

by Bob Steiner 

The main focus of the Edgewood Town Council meeting last Wednesday night (October 8, 2008) was to resolve the remaining questions concerning the lease of the Pittman building (former fitness center) as a temporary location for the town library. This agreement could potentially be extended for a period of up to three years. Councilors Hill and Simmons were particularly effective in helping to clarify several minor points which have seemed to plague past council  discussions on the lease. Barring some last minute difficulties, it appears the Edgewood Library will finally be getting more space.  While I am happy that the library staff will now have a somewhat better work environment, this writer’s only regret is that the funds expended on the lease could not have directed toward the ultimate final location in Section#16. 

   While most people present at the meeting were still absorbed by the euphoria of the moment, Councilor Simmons directed the group’s attention to the subject of snow removal during the coming winter season. Taking note that a harsh winter is being forecast, as well as the fact that the current economic situation may have a negative impact on our tax income. She implied we might want to be more frugal in our expenditures. She further indicated she was concerned about the lack of a suitable all-weather maintenance and parking facility for our road crew’s heavy equipment. I also seem to recall her mentioning that such a facility is part of the plan for Section#16. Once again, that “piece of real estate” is brought up. I, personally, almost wonder if some higher power is trying to tell us, “You own it! why not use it now?”

   We long-term residents of Edgewood well know  what four feet of snow with eight foot drifts can do to our local environment. In the past, due to the hard-working road crews we employ, this problem has been manageable. We should however note that in years past our heavy equipment was parked at a more central location then today. Today the designated equipment “park” is located on a dirt road some three miles away from the closest main street. Would it not seem “awkward” if our heavy equipment became snowed in and couldn’t make it to our major roads during a heavy snow storm?  Councilor Simmons should be commended for her farsightedness. Let’s hope the other councilors are listening!