Archive for September 1, 2008

While The Rain’s Away…

by John Weckerle

What with the rain over the last couple of days and preparing for a “grand opening” Saturday, there’s been precious little time to test out the new lens that arrived Friday.  Precious little, but not none – here are a few shots from around the house.

Photo - Hummingbird at blue salvia

»» While The Rain’s Away…

Grow Your Own – Vegzilla

by John Weckerle

Despite the unusually cool (mostly) weather we’ve been having, our two little beds are still producing plenty of food.  The pictures below include Saturday’s haul and a last look at the beds before removal of the cauliflower plants – they have run their course and were unlikely to produce anything more this year.   They were just taking up space and using up water that is better directed to the adjacent tomatoes.  It is not clear whether some green onions or salad greens might do well there; it is a little over-shadowed by the tomatoes and squash.

Photo - Saturday harvest

»» Grow Your Own – Vegzilla