Archive for July 13, 2008

Edgewood NMIPRA Violation? Event Doublespeak?

by John Weckerle

On June 24, 2008 I submitted a New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act request to the Town of Edgewood. Included in the request were copies of all correspondence among the Mayor and Council members, including e-mail messages. By the time the statutory deadline for providing the information (July 9) had passed, I had received only 1) a copy of the MOUs between the Town and other entities including Wildlife West Nature Park and the Edgewood Chamber of Commerce; 2) a copy of the Town Attorney’s opinion regarding the anti-donation clause; and 3) instructions on how to find the budget on the web site. On July 10, I contacted Town Clerk Estefanie Muller both by e-mail and by phone. I explained that the deadline had passed, and that I had not received any additional information, including correspondence. Ms. Muller stated that coordination on the budget had been done verbally and explained that she had checked the Mayor’s computer and had not found any associated correspondence. I informed her that I had, in fact, received copies of relevant e-mail messages from other sources, and advised her to discuss the situation with the Mayor. I received this response. »» Edgewood NMIPRA Violation? Event Doublespeak?