If You Are Fortunate, You Might…

by Chuck Ring

Have your very own backyard park of 680 acres (Section 32/29) or a backyard park with 248 acres (Section 34). This might come about if your property borders the sections mentioned and a proposed Open Space Fence and Gate Policy as described in the document in the following URL becomes actual policy:


As regards the 680 acre park, I have to be torn between happiness for the affected residents or feel extreme consternation with our mayor and some on our town council for the rest of us who might want to enjoy the 680 acres of open space from a more accessible location than that under consideration for common access. That is, in spite of several suggestions for consideration of alternative access sites or points, the mayor and some others through their silence, seem to believe that the only viable location for access is a location approximately five or six miles from the center of the Town of Edgewood. Not only are possible alternate sites important for less privileged citizens (those who do not border on the open space land) but, having several access points will be important for fire and personal injury access (fire apparatus and EMT).

The mayor has suggested that Santa Fe County will improve the road that runs east from Barton Road for approximately one mile before it reaches Section 32. Or, to be more precise, before it reaches land adjoining Section 32 at the southwest corner which is owned by the City of Albuquerque and designated as Albuquerque Open Space. It has been estimated that such road improvements could run at least $200,000.00. Whether Santa Fe County builds the road as suggested by the mayor or they do not, the alternate access points still remain critical.

Perhaps the governing body will deign to consider the merits of the proposed alternate or additional access sites. The Town of Edgewood and its citizens may not get a second chance in the event of a serious accident or a conflagration on Edgewood Open Space.

2 Responses “If You Are Fortunate, You Might…”

  1. John Weckerle says:

    Interesting. What are the other potential access points, and what is the rationale for not using them?

  2. Chuck Ring says:

    John, sorry for the delay in responding to your question. But, I was in Albuquerque untill late last evening.

    There are at least three potential access points. One, close to the northwest boundary of Los Cerritos, one approximately half-way between the northern and southern boundaries of Section 32 on the east side and one along the southern boundary perhaps 1/4 mile in from the southeast corner.

    I don’t know the rationale for not using them, as my suggestions have received no comment from the mayor or council. I can say, that any point of access has its own set of problems, but nothing that can’t be surmounted.

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