Mr. Johnson Goes To Washington

by John Weckerle

As reported by and the Albuquerque Journal, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson will join U.S. Representative Steve Cohen and recently reunited comedy team Cheech and Chong at next Wednesday’s Marijuana Policy Project’s 15th anniversary celebration in Washington, DC.  Mr. Johnson – who claims to have quit indulging many years ago, and advocates that others do likewise – has for years been an advocate of legalizing marijuana, citing the costs and effects associated with maintaining its illegal status.

Mr. Johnson is reportedly thinking seriously about a 2012 Presidential bid – and thinking aloud,  having set up a political advocacy committee,  as well as what appears to be the beginnings of a campaign web site.  New Mexico Central is not generally in the habit of endorsing candidates for political office, but if nothing else, a Johnson foray into the fray might make the campaign more interesting than it might be without him.

One Response “Mr. Johnson Goes To Washington”

  1. Chuck Ring says:

    “… a Johnson foray into the fray might make the campaign more interesting than it might be without him.”
    To say the least.

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