Lettergate Continues

by John Weckerle

In response to a New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act request submitted January 13, I received a response from Edgewood’s Town Attorney, Marcus Rael, denying the request.  The reason: it is his position that Chief Paul Welch’s resignation letter represents the initiation of a “settlement negotiation” resulting in the Chief’s departure, and therefore is not a “public record.”  I consider this argument to be preposterous, and little more than a subterfuge to protect potentially embarrassing information from public scrutiny.

We agree with The Independent that this letter, which purportedly addresses potentially inappropriate actions on the part of elected officials, should be released immediately.  The Town of Edgewood should put more effort into operating in an effective and transparent manner, and less effort into finding “clever” ways of camouflaging its actions.

As for the issue of whether the letter is a public record, Mr. Rael will have the opportunity to debate that with the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General; the complaint will be filed next week.

One Response “Lettergate Continues”

  1. Early Bird says:

    Hmm, since he has already recieved severance pay, maybe the lawyer’s contention is moot. Moot, that’s lawyer speak.

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