It’s A Bungle Out There

by Chuck Ring (GadAbout-BlogAlot ©2008) 

Quote Freely From the Article — Leave The Pseudonym Alone

At a time when folks are jolly and throwing holly, you would think we all would exercise a little common sense when it comes to operating dangerous vehicles. Tain’t so Edgewoodians (hate that nickname). And, it is very obvious when you visit certain retail establishments.

I have been crashed into by errant shopping carts left next to vehicles by errant-brained folks. I’m also talking now about carts pushed, carts blown by wind and carts with their own minds that just scoot under their own power and volition. I know that there are no inconsiderate folks in Edgewood, so it has to be lack of consistent and efficient brain firing underneath their hair that allows temporary lapses of caring attitudes. So, in an effort to assist those who suffer from lagging memory or lack of enough energy to push a cart into its corral, I offer a plea for everyone to exhibit a little more humanity and common sense. AND, here is something to train your brain to remove the excess gas stored there  NO BRAIN WIND BREAKING

Armed with knowledge and good will, go forward stalwart shopping soldiers and park your empty carts in their assigned slots … that will be in the cart corrals. Thank you and Merry Christmas and other politically correct holiday phrases which are pleasing to you and yours.

2 Responses “It’s A Bungle Out There”

  1. John Weckerle says:

    My neck is probably going to be sore from all the head-shaking I’ve been doing in local parking lots. People are leaving carts loose within 20 feet of the cart corrals. I don’t understand the mentality – why create a difficult and/or dangerous situation to save a little effort? Who are these people, and how can they be stopped?

    I hereby declare people who don’t put their carts in the corrals to be bad for America. Let’s deport them to Switzerland, and return to the days of harmonious shopping cart management.

  2. Chuck Ring says:

    It won’t be me, since I’m a teetotaler, but think of the damage those little squeaking wheels (that do not get the grease) might do to some poor inebriated soul that has fallen (literally) on bad times and the parking lot. Not even the beginning of a pretty picture.

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