Alice King Passes at 78

by John Weckerle

It was a sad moment yesterday when we learned that Alice King, wife of former governor Bruce King and long-time advocate for troubled children, passed away yesterday after suffering a massive stroke Thursday.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. King several time at functions here in the area, and she was always friendly and warm in her greetings.   As a first lady, and later as a tireless advocate, she worked and fought to protect and serve New Mexico’s children.  Even though she is gone, a part of her will always be there in the lives of those who have been helped by the programs she started and sponsored.

We are asking that anyone who has information on a public memorial service pass the word on to us, so that we can post the details here.

One Response “Alice King Passes at 78”

  1. Chuck Ring says:

    Not only was she First Lady. She was a gracious and personable First Lady three times.

    In my observation, she was an extra-ordinary great lady who accomplished wonderful things for those for which she advocated.

    During one of the riots I was assigned to security at the Governor and First Lady’s home in Santa Fe. My duty there was made easy by Governor King and Ms. Kings attention to my welfare, rather than the other way around.

    I have remembered her as a fine representitive of her regular “King” family

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