Torrance County P & Z To Vote On Animal Control Ordinance Today

by John Weckerle

We have received word from Vanessa Vaile and Pauline Dube that the Torrance County Planning and Zoning Committee will meet today  (Tuesday, December 2) at 9:30 a.m. to vote on the proposed new animal control ordinance.  We have not had the opportunity to review the ordinance, and with only a few hours before the meeting we have no time for research.  However Ms. Dube has expressed numerous concerns regarding the ordinance, which she says places unreasonable restrictions on legitimate animal ownership, and she has provided a link to a web site for the East Mountain Animal Interest Alliance that discusses the ordinance and concerns related to animal ownership.

While we have not had sufficient time to educate ourselves on this specific topic, we are inclined to express an opinion on a related issue – that of the scheduling of Torrance County’s P & Z and County Commission meetings.  The practice of holding meetings during the day has the effect of seriously limiting the ability of working people to participate in government, whether it be as observers, elected officials, or citizens seeking to offer comment on the decisions being made by their elected officials.  Most of the other governing bodies manage to meet in the evening, and there is no reason that the Torrance County Commission cannot do the same – unless, of course, the actual intent of meeting during the day is to limit public involvement and/or public scrutiny.

Former County Commissioner Leroy Candelaria proposed moving the meeting times to the evening several years ago and was voted down.  We’d be interested in hearing the other Commissioners’ reasons for opposing this obvious step toward open government in Torrance County.  This was not a major issue in the recent election, but perhaps it should be in the next.

One Response “Torrance County P & Z To Vote On Animal Control Ordinance Today”

  1. Chuck Ring says:

    I’ve just read both the Torrance County proposed ordinance and the EMAIA preference.

    Not knowing what specific objections the EMAIA might have, I do not see that the ordinances are poles apart and therefore those on both sides of the issue should be able to come to a consensus that will allow for the welfare of animals and protection of the public. I hope this will be the case.

    As to the meetings of the Torrance County Commission, Santa Fe
    holds most of their meeting (if not all) during the day. I can only speculate that government entities that hold their meetings during the day are nervous about paying overtime to staff or they are nervous about a real open government. I hope it is the former and that they can realize that the extra expenditure for salary/overtime is justified if proper planning is a component of government meetings.

    Finally, I would like to state that the Edgewood Animal Control Ordinance was passed after many formal hearings and that it is still a living document that can and has been changed when events indicate a need for change. Would it work for Torrance County? Probably not, but I believe most Edgewood citizens are content with the process and the product.

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