The State Of The… Er…

by John Weckerle


Specifically, we refer to state of the local Interstate (and more specifically, I-40 in the Sedillo Hill area) and associated roads  yesterday morning.  Your editor awoke early, looked out the window and noted that no lights could be seen to the east (indicating heavy snow), looked at the few inches on the ground, and decided to make a run for it.  This would have been a bad move absent the travel cup of coffee that made the run along yours truly.  The “local” roads were passable primarily because few others had been on them.  Unfortunately, the climate conspired to create an impromtu parking lot very early this morning on Route 66 just west of Mountain Valley Road. After waiting patiently and then noting the relatively free flow of traffic on I-40, it seemed logical to drive east to Edgewood and gain entrance to the highway there.  Traffic moved along very well until just after the Sedillo exit, at which point everyone’s automobiles decided that their riders could use a few (okay, a lot of) minutes to reflect upon their lives.

By the time we got through the congestion, there was no indication as to what the nature of the pause might have been.  However, we would like to suggest to our readers that it would be best to be vigilant as regards our speeds during inclement weather. It’s better to get there late than never…

2 Responses “The State Of The… Er…”

  1. Vicki says:

    My husband and I were in that mess at 5:30AM from Tijeras to Albuquerque and it was quite congested even then with all the heavy snowfall. I had to get to Harper and I-25 for my eye surgery check-in at 6:30AM. We made it! My eye is recovering nicely as I enjoy sunnier days for the rest of the week.

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