Pull It Together, Bernco.

by John Weckerle

Last Thursday brought us some snow and the current sub-Arctic temperatures we’re experiencing.  Today brought us a sight that was not, unfortunately, entirely a surprise – formerly packed snow that had turned to ice sheeting substantial parts of Mountain Valley Road, especially in the northbound lane, three days after the storm.  There was no evidence that the road had ever been sanded.  Mountain Valley Road is the only direct route from Route 66/NM 333 between Tijeras and Edgewood, and leaving it icy, holiday weekend or not, represents a danger to those who travel it.  Some of the other roads for which the County is responsible were in similarly bad condition.  We’d like to remind Bernalillo County’s road folks that the County’s eastern Boundary is not NM 14 or NM 337.  Neither is waiting for nature to take its course a valid road maintenance strategy.

2 Responses “Pull It Together, Bernco.”

  1. Jim Smith says:

    Thanks, John. I’ll pass this on to Wayne Johnson, who is the new Bernalillo County Commissioner in our area. Feel free to contact me directly about these kinds of issues, as well.

  2. Thanks, Jim! Your efforts are definitely appreciated. We have an article running about the snow and ice problem at the Edgewood Post Office this morning; anything you can do there would be appreciated as well.

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