Holiday Spirits And The Spirit Of Innovation

by John Weckerle

Today brought the denizens of New Mexico Central headquarters a visit from several close friends for a small gathering of after-the-holiday relaxation.  Quite a number of calories gave their lives for the cause, and several of us put our heads together and invented the new holiday drink craze for the second decade of the twenty-first century, which starts next Sunday.1

Lemon Franjoma (serves about six)

3 shots vodka (we used the Kirkland brand from Costco. We have been told this is made in a former Grey Goose distillery.)
1 shot creme de cacao
2 shots Bailey’s Irish Cream
6 slices of lemon dipped in sugar

Mix the first three ingredients in a shaker or similar vessel and pour into shot glasses. Begin by sucking a lemon slice, and then consume the contents of the shot glass.

We also viewed a short Christmas video produced by our good friend Jevon Campisi (who was unfortunately unable to join us), which is worth a look.

1There are some who will insist that the second decade of the twenty-first century started on the first of January this year. There are also some who will assert that the “millenium” and the twenty-first century began on January 1, 2000. Both positions are demonstrably incorrect; the correct dates are January 1, 2011 and January 1, 2001, respectively. There are those who will hem and haw and state the there are two ways of looking at the concept. We acknowledge this, and also acknowledge that one of them is dead wrong.

Of course, there are other cultures using other calendars which share neither the same “New Year’s Day” nor the same number for the year, which makes the entire preceding argument seem moot and just a tad silly. We acknowledge this. We’re still right, though.

2 Responses “Holiday Spirits And The Spirit Of Innovation”

  1. Chuck says:

    Franjoma? Okay, but did you make your acknowledgments of the last two paragraphs before or after the Franjoma imbibing?

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