Have A Heart … Give A Hand

by Chuck Ring 

Many who reside in the Estancia Valley are well acquainted with the Tony Jaramillo family. The family has operated a service station and garage in Edgewood on the north side of the Edgewood Exit for around 36 years. The family members have shown their community spirit in various ways through the years. They have helped many valley citizens in distress by donating goods, services and labor for the repair of vehicles, even going so far as to loan vehicles for extended periods. Last year, the family, with Tony Jr. at the helm, worked with a local church and area businesses to help unwed mothers with gifts of oil changes and other needed maintenance items. Side benefits for the mothers included personal pampering such as free beauty products and free nail polishing. The family has donated Thanksgiving and Christmas meals to the senior center in Edgewood for over twenty years and Tony Jr., his wife Audrey and children have contributed their time and other resources to produce the annual car show at Valley View Christian Church for five years running. The rest of the family’s gracious efforts are too numerous to mention, but they have been of benefit to a wide segment of the valley population. 

Sadly, on Monday, September 8, 2008 Larry Jaramillo, (son of Tony Sr. and Josie) who would have been 42 years of age on October 17 was killed in an automobile accident as he and his mother were traveling on I-40 west of Edgewood. Ms. Jaramillo (Josie) was injured, but is recovering. Larry, challenged by autism and Parkinson’s disease, is remembered as a young man of God who inspired others much healthier than himself. On Wednesday (September 11, 2008) A funeral was conducted for Larry in Edgewood. A funeral attended by an estimated 500 mourners. This was fitting, as Larry’s wish was for a “big” funeral. 

The accident, hospital and funeral expenses for the family have been very burdensome without insurance and Jerry and Dinah Gevedon, the owners of DJ’s Dog House are managing an effort to raise funds to help the Jaramillo’s defray expenses. In addition to donating items and proceeds from their business during a portion of the business day on September 20th, they are also offering their parking lot and other facilities for a silent auction and bake sale on the same day. DJ’s employees are generously donating their labor for the event. Additionally, many community business owners are donating products for the silent auction. Members of Larry’s church and other community volunteers will help organize the event and will be present to assist during the events.  

The family requests prayer during the following weeks as Josie recovers and life without Larry continues.

  An announcement is to run in  the Mountain View Telegraph next week and is repeated here:

Fundraiser/Silent Auction/Bake Sale

All proceeds benefit Jaramillo Family

Saturday, September 20th, 2:30pm to 6:30pm at DJ’s Doghouse/Edgewood Hwy 344 and Dinkle

Phone: 286-9933 

Individuals or Businesses wishing to contribute Silent Auction items, please contact:Chuck Ring, cell # 263-3268 or email cring@comcast.net     

Those wishing to donate bake sale items should call DJ’s Dog house at 286-9933 to arrange for your contributions.

The photo below shows Larry and his nephew Nickolas during an outingLarry and nephew Nicolas in 2006


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