Archive for September 26, 2010

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

by John Weckerle

No, really…

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain!

Would You Like Some Apples With Those Oranges?

by John Weckerle

The “debate” (such as it is) does some less interesting form of raging this week in the Mountain View Telegraph as Valerie McElligott of Moriarty responds to a letter by Patty Walsh which raises the issue of whether all Christians are terrorists because Timothy McVeigh, the key figure in the Oklahoma City bombing, was a Christian – an issue we brought up in our September 2 article on the subject.

Now, this is not why all Christians are terrorists.  All Christians are terrorists because discredited, fraudulent blogger Andrew Breitbart has been unable to procure video footage of each and every Christian not being a terrorist.  The lack of video evidence, creatively edited or otherwise, is damning in the eyes of at least a few, and far be it from us to argue.

All kidding aside, though…

»» Would You Like Some Apples With Those Oranges?

Public Service Announcement: Free Annual Permaculture Gathering At La Resolana In Edgewood Next Saturday

by Christian Meuli

Saturday, October 2, 2010

12:00 PM    Site Tour
2:00 PM        Potluck
3:30 PM        Bruce Noll — Keeping within the Poetry of Nature

This free permaculture gathering will include a site tour of rainwater cisterns, gravity as a resource, woodchip berms, swales, sponges, and tools I find useful.

La Resolana is the new name of this place in Edgewood. La Resolana is a place on the south side that harvests the sun and is shielded from the wind: a fertile place for dynamic sharing, creative thinking, and dialogue for what is possible.

Please bring interested friends and children, a favorite dish that you will enjoy sharing with others, and your finest sun hat! Please car pool and leave pets at home.

Bruce Noll will recite his favorite poets, including Walt Whitman, and his own wonderful nature poetry. He will share poetry that inspires insight within nature and within ourselves.

Take I-40 to Exit #187 in Edgewood (25 miles east of Albuquerque and 8 miles west of Moriarty). At the end of the off-ramp, go south two blocks to the stoplight at the intersection with Highway #333 (Smith’s Grocery will be on your left). Go straight up the hill on Edgewood Road #7 and turn right in ½ mile onto Moriarty Road (gravel). Go ¼ mile to #24 and turn right into my driveway or go straight ahead down the hill and park on your left.

I will have Brad Lancaster’s informative books on rainwater harvesting available for review and purchase (see his extensive website at

I look forward to seeing everyone and meeting new friends! If you need a map or a timely update, please call me at 281-4871.