Archive for September 15, 2010

Public Service Announcement: Open House For Distance Ed GED in Mountainair

by John Weckerle

Checking in on our friends at Mountainair Announcements, we find that UNM Valencia’s ABE Program and Torrance County Distance Education Program will host a free open house at the Dr. Saul Community Center in Mountainair this Saturday, September 18, for adults interested in earning a GED.  For more information, see the Mountainair Announcements article.

Interstate Stream Commission Issues Annual Report

(Editor’s Note: Thanks to Cheri Lujan for forwarding us this ISC press release!)

The Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission 2008-2009 Annual Report is now available at under the “Publications,” “Annual Reports,” “2008-2009 Annual Report” or by clicking on this link: Please forward to your local and statewide colleagues.

This document, produced as required by state statute (NMSA 1978, Section 72-2-5), is a review of key accomplishments and challenges faced by the agency during the fiscal year 2008-2009.
“In an effort to save on printing and mailing costs this year, we printed a small number of the annual reports,” said State Engineer John D’Antonio. “The report highlights the passage of key legislation, public outreach activities associated with updating the State Water Plan, the status of adjudications, and basin-specific activities that were important last year.”

If you have any questions, or contact information to update such as name, title, organization, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses, please call me at (505) 383-4095 or reply to this e-mail.

Thank you,


Julie Maas
Public Relations Specialist
Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission
Planning & Communications Division
5550 San Antonio Dr NE
Albuquerque NM 87109
(505) 383-4095 office
(505) 383-4096 fax

Hunt For East Mountain Tea Party Spokesperson Continues

by John Weckerle

In recent weeks, we’ve taken issue (here and here) with the anonymity of an official spokesperson for the East Mountain Tea Party (EMTP) who posts articles on the EMTP site and has posted comments here, including some that we consider to be anti-Muslim and equating Islam with al Qaeda.  We initially almost-but-not-quite concluded that the person, who goes by the moniker “teapartynm” on the EMTP site and “East Mountain Tea Party” here, was one Emily Cooper.  However, editor and EMTP supporter Chuck Ring asserted that Ms. Cooper was not the domain contact any longer, and was in fact no longer participating in Tea Party activities.  Mr. Ring declined to clarify: “I don’t see that knowing the name will add anything to the issue at this juncture.”  We disagree; as we stated in the original article, we consider equating Islam with al Qaeda to be bigotry, and while we think that while outright, Terry Jones-style bigotry is ugly, we believe that anonymous bigotry is worse, if somewhat less effective.

Now, it is a rule that domain contact information must be kept current, and with that in mind, we filed a complaint with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).  This is the organization that administers domains at the highest level, and makes the rules for using them.  Registrars (for example, Network Solutions or GoDaddy) then process requests for domain names.  Now, the way this process works is that, upon reciept of the complaint, ICANN sends a request for validation or update to the  the registrar – in this case, GoDaddy – which then sends a notification to the administrative contact e-mail, and the recipient logs on and confirms the contact information. Yesterday, we got a response that told us:

»» Hunt For East Mountain Tea Party Spokesperson Continues