Archive for April 17, 2009

Up To The Minute Reporting With NM-Central’s Eyewitness Weather…

by John Weckerle

…in which, “eye” go outside and witness the weather (a free case of notoriety to the first person who correctly identifies the reference, which is deliberately altered in the hope that we can get an honest answer with no Googling).  Snow has continued to fall – and pile up – and we may be looking at the beginning of a short but sorely needed Mud Season.  It is letting up now – but we’re not seeing any stars, either.  Depending on where we stick the ruler, we measure 3.5 to 5.5 inches, with 4.5 being a reasonably common measurement.  We will bring you more information if and when the situation warrants additional reporting.

 Quoth the - oh, well, never mind...

Let It WHAT??

by John Weckerle

Breaking news – it’s mid-April, and it’s snowing like the Dickens (incredibly weak pun intended) here at New Mexico Central headquarters.  For our international readers, this is a little unusual – though not unheard-of – in our area.  We have broken out the Dean Martin, Gene Autry, Manheim Steamroller, and other Christmas musical favorites.  Well, at least until the other residents of the compound mutiny.  Merry – er…Friday.

Photo - New Mexico Snow In April by John Weckerle

Photo - New Mexico Snow In April by John Weckerle

When A Barking Dog Really Bites

by John Weckerle

This has been one of those weeks – one minor catastrophe after another, each lending a unique flavor to the next.  We’ll spare the details on most, but by way of warning our readers and possibly protecting them from physical harm, we’ll share a cautionary tale.

As my wife pulled into the Presbyterian Urgent Care lot last Tuesday, the brakes on her van made a terrible noise.  As it turned out, she ended up riding shotgun on a transport to Presbyterian Hospital, so we had to pick the car up Wednesday.  Not wanting to drive it far without knowing what was wrong, we took it to Brake Masters on San Mateo Blvd. in Albuquerque and, given that it was going to take  a little time, we popped over to Jackalope to look around.  We were, as always, very aware of how the Jackalope franchise has risen above its humble beginnings, but it’s always disappointing to see a source of reasonably-priced merchandise become gentrified. »» When A Barking Dog Really Bites