Up To The Minute Reporting With NM-Central’s Eyewitness Weather…
by John Weckerle
…in which, “eye” go outside and witness the weather (a free case of notoriety to the first person who correctly identifies the reference, which is deliberately altered in the hope that we can get an honest answer with no Googling). Snow has continued to fall – and pile up – and we may be looking at the beginning of a short but sorely needed Mud Season. It is letting up now – but we’re not seeing any stars, either. Depending on where we stick the ruler, we measure 3.5 to 5.5 inches, with 4.5 being a reasonably common measurement. We will bring you more information if and when the situation warrants additional reporting.
3 Responses “Up To The Minute Reporting With NM-Central’s Eyewitness Weather…”
What Giggling? They are Ravens, evermore.
No, “Googling,” not giggling: specifically, the reference to “Eyewitness Weather.” The birds are local residents – no nesting right near the house last year, but they’re behaving like they did a couple of years ago when they did nest right out back, and spending time near the same tree they’d used a couple of years ago. If they decide to stick around nearby, we anticipate that we’ll be seeing parapets capped with – well, not snow, exactly, but it’ll look like that. Sort of.
Although, I missed the “reference”, I should get some credit for lightly giggling and I have been an Eyewitness to many of the antics of these very intelligent Big Birds..