A World Gone Mad – But In A Good Way
Editor’s note: As of about 8:50 a.m., we have 2 to 4 inches of snow at New Mexico Central headquarters, depending on where we look, and it is still snowing steadily.
by Senior Animal Affairs Correspondent Wilson

Senior Animal Affairs Correspondent Wilson Investigates The Phenomenon
Life here at New Mexico Central headquarters never ceases to amaze me. This morning, the Pack Leader got up extra early, and we went outside for our first run to the spot by the big smelly bush (he calls it rosemary; I think more about what’s hiding behind and under it than what it’s called). I took a nap until breakfast, and then we did the Number Two run (I call it that because it’s the second one). Some stuff was falling on me, and it didn’t feel like rain. I tried to catch some, but was dark and I couldn’t see it.
A little later, when it was light out, the Pack Leader put on his extra covering and the thing on his head (not sure what that’s for; maybe it’s to keep the birds off that big empty landing strip on the top), and we went out back. Everything was different! It’s usually gray and black, pretty much, but this morning everything was covered with some kind of white material. I’ve never seen this stuff before. It’s kind of fluffy, but it crunches under my feet, and you can eat it. It’s sort of like the cold crunchy things from the big white box that the other pack members give me some times, except that it’s not crunchy. The best thing is: just like the cold crunchy things, when you eat it, it turns to water! Water water water water water! Sorry… Anyway, I ran around in it, and chased some white things the Pack Leader kept picking up and throwing. I couldn’t find most of them after they landed, but I finally found one and brought it back. Sure enough, he threw it again, and I couldn’t find it. He pointed the clickety box at me a couple of times, and then went in after a while. He let me stay out and play in the back yard for a while, and the Boss Lady dried me off when I came in. Now, I think it’s time for another nap.