Edgewood Recycling Sub-Committee

by John Weckerle

It’s short notice, but the e-mail just came in yesterday notifying us of Edgewood’s Parks and Recreation Subcommittee meeting tonight (Tuesday, October 20, at 6:30) at the Edgewood Community Center.  The agenda includes “distribution of recyclable materials – still a quandary!” and other associated issues.  We’re excited to see Edgewood considering a recycling program, and we wish the Town success in implementing it.  For more information, contact the Town at 286-4518.

One Response “Edgewood Recycling Sub-Committee”

  1. Misty says:

    I would love for Edgewood to have a recycling program or even yellow recycling bins!! With a family of six I drive into ABQ at least twice a week to drop off recyclables.

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