Flying Objects Identified
by John Weckerle
Those of us who were out pounding rebar into the ground and setting soup cans on it (go ahead, ask us why – we dare you) this evening enjoyed a sight worth seeing – and those of us with a camera handy should always be happy to pass it on. The spectacular sight of a weather balloon illuminated by the setting sun is always worthy of note, but to have a jet pass so “closely” (from our point of view, of course) was a rare treat. We hope that somebody on the plane got a great shot of the balloon. We were actually going to post photos of this weekend’s full moon today, but we’ll hold them for a day or two given the uniqueness of today’s display. Want to know where it is now? Check out the NASA balloon tracking page! More photos behind the cut…
3 Responses “Flying Objects Identified”
Great shots! I won’t ask, but I’ll tell. About the soup cans on the rebar … must be to scare the thieves away from your tasty fruit and vegetable treasures.