Flying Objects Identified

by John Weckerle

Weather Balloon and Jet Over New Mexico

Those of us who were out pounding rebar into the ground and setting soup cans on it (go ahead, ask us why – we dare you) this evening  enjoyed a sight worth seeing – and those of us with a camera handy should always be happy to pass it on.  The spectacular sight of a weather balloon illuminated by the setting sun is always worthy of note, but to have a jet pass so “closely” (from our point of view, of course) was a rare treat.  We hope that somebody on the plane got a great shot of the balloon.  We were actually going to post photos of this weekend’s full moon today, but we’ll hold them for a day or two given the uniqueness of today’s display. Want to know where it is now?  Check out the NASA balloon tracking page!  More photos behind the cut…




3 Responses “Flying Objects Identified”

  1. Chuck says:

    Great shots! I won’t ask, but I’ll tell. About the soup cans on the rebar … must be to scare the thieves away from your tasty fruit and vegetable treasures.

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