Same Ol’ Song – Just Whizzin’ Along
by Chuck Ring (GadAbout-BlogAlot ©2008)
Quote Freely From the Article — Leave The Pseudonym Alone
Santa Fe City (City) seems to be feeling the wind in its face as an effluent (not affluent) customer just whizzes on by, while refusing to pay the city for 150,000,000 plus gallons of effluent water from their waste water system.
Seems the customer, who along with three others, owns a horse park of some eighty acres located in Santa Fe, is more or less mired in potential litigation after the City filed a lien against the property for non-payment for the effluent water. According to City officials the amount owed is $189,481. One of the owners disputes this figure and says that the City owes the park, i.e., the owners, $60,000. An article in the Santa Fe New Mexican provides more detail regarding this contest.
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