Bernalillo County Asks Residents ‘What Projects are Needed?’ – New Feature Available for Online Project Requests

by Catherine Lopez, Bernalillo County Public Information Department

Bernalillo County – Bernalillo County is seeking input from the community about future capital improvement projects through a series of public meetings and a new online feature.

 “Beginning Monday, March 26, the county will offer its newest feature in this important information gathering process,” says County Manager Tom Zdunek.  “Residents will be able to follow-up on their project request.  Every project request submitted will receive a confirmation number.  If a resident provides an email address, a confirmation number and email will be sent back to them.”

The confirmation number allows residents to access information about how their project was evaluated, as well as where it ranks among projects of its same type.

Residents have until May 17 to submit a project request.

The online request form is available at   Residents who do not wish to submit requests electronically can still fill out hardcopy forms. The county will have forms available at its Capital Improvement Plan public meetings, starting Monday night, March 26.

The public meetings will allow the county to gather project ideas from citizens and neighborhood groups.  The county’s Capital Improvement Plan provides a link between the needs and visions of the public and the county’s capital expenditure budgets.

“Every two years, residents have the chance to make a direct impact on the county’s future,” says Commission Chair Art De La Cruz.  “I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity by attending a public meeting and sharing the vision they have for the community with us.”

After hearing from the community, the county will evaluate and prioritize potential projects. During the general election in November, the public will vote on whether to approve the general obligation bonds that fund the projects.

A “capital improvement” is defined as a substantial, physical asset with a useful life of 10 years or greater.  Capital improvement projects from past bond cycles include the Deputy James McGrane Public Safety Complex in the East Mountains, the Bachechi Open Space in the North Valley and the Eubank Boulevard road construction project in the northeast heights.

The community is invited to attend any of the scheduled meetings:

Monday, March 26 | District 1
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Don Newton Community Center
490 Kachina Street NW

Thursday, March 29 | District 5
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Los Vecinos Community Center
478 1/2 Old Hwy 66, Tijeras NM

Monday, April 2 | District 1
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center
9800 4th Street NW

Tuesday, April 17 | District 3
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Hiland Theater, Studio A or B
4800 Central Avenue SE

A tour of the historic Hiland Theater will be conducted at 5:15 p.m. for interested parties

Thursday, April 19 | District 4
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Lt. William Sibrava Memorial Substation
10401 Holly Ave NE

Monday, April 23 | District 2
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Westside Community Center
1250 Isleta Blvd SW

For more information about the capital improvement process, please visit

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