Oh Good, Another One

by John Weckerle

It was with some amusement that we read about the formation of a new local Tea Party chapter, the Sandia Tea Party, at Gadabout-Blogalot.com.  We’re wondering whether there will be turf wars; there’s already an East Mountain Tea Party, and the Sandias are, after all, part of the East Mountains.

We decided to look the new group up, and found their web site.  Some parts of the site are still apparently being worked out, but we were interested to see that the Contact Us page listed the president of the chapter: John Doe.


This is just what we needed – another shadowy organization run by anonymous “patriots” championing their version of “conservative” ideology.  At what point did we arrive at the conclusion that there’s something wrong with having our names associated with that in which we believe?  Whether we agree with the positions of an organization or not, we assign essentially zero credibility to the opinions and positions of those who speak in combative terms but lack the fortitude to put their names where their mouths are.  We’ll be watching, and turning over rocks where we can find them.

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