Wildlife West Seeks Volunteers for Wolf Roundup
by John Weckerle
Next Monday (November 1), Nieta, one of the Mexican gray wolves at Wildlife West Nature Park in Edgewood is scheduled to move to a new home at Wolf Haven International in Washington State, where she will go to live with some older males. Because the habitat is large and Nieta is shy of human contact, numerous volunteers are needed to help herd Nieta into her transport carrier. There will be a brief orientation for new volunteers prior to the roundup, which is currently scheduled to start at about 6:30 a.m.
From Wildlife West, Nieta will travel to Truth or Consequences, where she will be joined by another wolf from the El Paso Zoo. Both wolves will be flown to Washington by LightHawk, an organization of volunteer pilots who have been “flying for the environment” for 31 years. Volunteers who would like to assist in the roundup should contact Park founder Roger Alink at (505) 263-9453.