Wherever You Go, There You Are
by John Weckerle
Over the past few days, several commentators have made some political hay over the fact that President Obama chose to observe Memorial Day at the Lincoln National Veterans Cemetery in Chicago, Illinois. At first, this seemed an odd choice, but a little research brought forth an interesting revelation: Mr. Obama is far from being unique in this regard.
According to an article at Snopes.com, former President Ronald Reagan was absent from Arlington on Memorial Day four times during his two terms, and two of those absences were for vacation/retreat purposes. Former President George W. Bush was absent once, celebrating Memorial Day at Normandy, France. Former President George H.W. Bush, the only combat veteran to hold the Presidency since 1980, never participated in Memorial Day ceremonies at Arlington; he was in Rome observing Memorial Day his first year in office, and spent the remaining three Memorial Days vacationing in Kennebunkport, Maine. The only President since 1980 to commemorate Memorial Day at Arlington every year while in office was former President Bill Clinton.
The National Veterans Cemetery at which Mr. Obama attempted to observe Memorial Day (the event was more or less rained out) is named for Abraham Lincoln, the President during whose term the National Veterans Cemeteries were established. For more information on the National Veterans Cemeteries, visit the National Cemeteries Association web site.
One Response “Wherever You Go, There You Are”
Very interesting. Thanks John