Archive for July 23, 2010
Weather Is As Weather Does
by John Weckerle
New Mexico Central headquarters finally got a good bit of rain this afternoon – anywhere from 0.2 to almost 0.5 inches, depending on which rain gauge we believe (we’re inclined to believe the latter, being skeptical about the ability of a gauge to catch more rain than has actually fallen). For the second time this week, we were treated to a unique sight – not only a double rainbow (look closely), but a full primary arc. We’re not sure about the “double,” as it was too big for the camera. And we’re glad we decided to leave those sunflowers in the driveway…
Got Yogurt?
by John Weckerle
Vegetarian and looking for some good-tasting, non-fat or lowfat yogurt? These days, it seems a difficult task; for some reason, the people at the mega-corporations that produce Dannon, Yoplait, and other widely available brands feel compelled to take a perfectly good substance like yogurt and add gelatin to it, effectively placing it off-limits to non-meat eaters and those whose whose religious beliefs prohibit mixing meat products with dairy. We have, however, identified a few products that might be of interest to those who don’t want gelatin in their snacks.
Top of the list is the Chobani Non-fat Greek Yogurt 12-pack currently available at Costco in Albuquerque, a collection of three fruit-in-the-bottom flavors – blueberry, peach, and strawberry – all of which are extremely tasty. Greek yogurt tends to be thicker and creamier than other types. It also has the advantage of having about twice the protein of other, more common styles, making it a great dietary choice for those who take a pass on other sources of protein.
Breyers has a series of fruit-flavored yogurts with a little serving of granola in a separate compartment on the top. This is a nifty little presentation, and of course the granola is optional; you can always save a few of them up for later. We have only seen this one in Walmart (Smith’s does not carry any vegetarian-friendly snack-size yogurts that we know of). The yogurt itself is tasty and has a good consistency.
Sunflower Markets in Albuquerque carry several brands of vegetarian-edible yogurt. We’ve recently been visiting Sunflower occasionally and have found them to be a very good and very reasonable source of things like the yogurt as well as proteins, cheeses, and various dry goods that are not always available in more conventional stores.
All things considered, though, we consider the Chobani yogurt to be the front-runner in the vegetarian yogurt race, and encourage everybody to give it a try.
Grow Your Own – Nothing Quiet On The Western Front
by John Weckerle
It’s been some time since we’ve posted anything on the topic of garnering one’s own food from a few small boxes west of the house, so this morning we have a few photos and some updates on the progress.