Archive for April 16, 2010
Grow Your Own: The Fantastic Four – Rise Of The Silver Sprout
by John Weckerle
This past winter was a time for some, well, interesting discourse on global climate change. “Skeptics” local and nationwide heaped criticism on the concept, often using the winter weather as a springboard to dive into the muddy waters. Well, winter’s over, and it’s time to start growing – although we’ll have a brief mention of the previous season’s severity before we’re through.
Sprouts – though not those referenced in the title; again, that’s for later – are up! Tomatoes, kale, and chard were up three weeks ago. We started with tomatoes and green bell peppers to get a head start on our short season, and spinach, kale and chard because of their wonderful cold tolerance. In fact, we started spinach very early. Unfortunately, a mouse got in during some remodeling, and decided to dine on our spinach sprouts. Spinach seeds planted later have just poked up above the soil surface. »» Grow Your Own: The Fantastic Four – Rise Of The Silver Sprout
Concert Tonight In Mountainair
by John Weckerle
Checking in on our friends at Mountainair Announcements, we find that the Double D Wranglers, a cowboy music and entertainment group from Nebraska, will be playing tonight starting at 7 p.m. at the Brazil Auditorium in Mountainair. For more information, see the Mountainair Announcements article and the group’s web site.