Archive for July 10, 2009

Edgewood Energy Planning Needs More Diverse Approach

by John Weckerle

This week’s local newspapers are abuzz with discussion of controversies surrounding proposals to encourage alternative energy capabilities in Edgewood, New Mexico.  As in the past, the discussion seems focused primarily on wind energy, with proponents seeking to find a way to allow residents to place wind turbines on their properties.  Solar technologies appear to remain an afterthought, as do energy-efficiency upgrades.  With the exception of some comments from Town Councilor Brad Hill quoted in The Independent, there appears to be little thought given to a balanced approach to energy and developing a comprehensive energy management strategy that could produce the desired benefits with a minimum of dispute.  The public discussion has focused almost entirely on wind issues, and review of the minutes of the Town Council, Planning and Zoning Committee, and Energy Committee meetings available online provides no indication that other alternative energy sources have ever been seriously discussed – this in spite of the fact that Town Council and P&Z Committee members have expressed concerns about the apparently nearly-exclusive focus on wind.  We have been critical of this approach in the past (see our February 6, 2009 article), and remain so. »» Edgewood Energy Planning Needs More Diverse Approach