Archive for October 26, 2008

Tired Of Political Commercials?

by Bob Steiner

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or an Independent, you do share something with all other citizens of this land.  Due to the failure of reform legislation  designed to  curb the financial impact of  special interest groups on our electoral  process, you, the voter, have become the target of the most massive political ad campaigns ever seen.

Have you recently watched an enjoyable family-oriented program on TV with those you love, only to have it interrupted with at least  one (sometimes more than one!) loud, crude political attack commercial ?  After a hard day’s work, resting in your easy chair, listening to your favorite FM station, has the sanctity  of your home  been suddenly violated by a  rapid-fire verbal assault on a political candidate, asserting that he/she is eligible for residence in a “state-run corrections facility”?  As Americans, we must respect  the first amendment rights of  even   those who perpetrate such intrusions, despite the fact that their efforts are full of innuendos, half-truths, non-current information, and outright lies. Let’s face it. This year has been a particular trying  time in the realm of  political  advertising.

All of us are pretty well fed up with the depths that both major parties  have sunken to in selling their candidates! Both parties are equally guilty of polluting the environment with their “mud-slinging”. It seems that no political figure is above reproach.  Despite repeated public pledges by all candidates NOT to engage in negative campaigning, every news broadcast and political interview seems to just add to the “poison” being disseminated on the airwaves. »» Tired Of Political Commercials?

Canines In Abundance — Human Companions Drag Behind

by Chuck Ring

Volunteers, Edgewood Town Staff, volunteer canines, along with State Representative Kathy McCoy, Edgewood Mayor Robert Stearley and wife Diane, Edgewood Councilor Rita-Loy Simmons, along with Susan Simons (Susan G. Komen, CNM Executive Director) helped to make the annual  Walk To Save A Life — Save A Pet  sponsored by the Town of Edgewood and The Susan G. Komen folks Click Here For Susan G. Komen For The Cure  event a  great success.

Of course, the event was made even more successful through the participation of the many canines and their human friends who “tagged” along without tags of their own. There was nary a harsh word exchanged among or between the canines and the people persons were equally well-behaved. The crossovers made from one side of Old 66 to the opposite side were made safely thanks to the able efforts of Edgewood Police Department officers who held-up or directed traffic at various spots along the walking course.

In addition to the walk of approximately three miles, a silent auction was held. The fees for the walk along with the silent auction proceeds will go to benefit efforts to find a cure for breast cancer and for animal welfare activities in and around the community. The folks from Edgewood Animal Control offered computer chipping at reduced rates; a bargain my wife sought to obtain, but I let her know that I was not keen on having a chip of my own. Although, it might not be such a bad idea for those mornings when I wake up and can’t seem to find my way to the facilities located just off of the bedroom. Anyway, our Shorty dog received his chip and Pugsley the Puganator received his in the past.

Here’s hoping for a larger turnout for next year’s event. Look to the upcoming issue of the Mountain View Telegraph for more information and photographs of the participants … women, men  and beasties.