Archive for Mountainair
New Mexico Sex Offender Registry Site
by Chuck Ring
I am not by nature an alarmist. But, I also believe forewarned is forearmed. With Halloween and other holidays coming very soon, it might be valuable for parents and others to know more about some of the areas and individuals to avoid during trick or treat and other activities where children and adults are placed together.
The New Mexico Department Of Public Safety (DPS) maintains a website known as the Sex Offender Registry. The site is user friendly and there is no need to provide detailed information in this article. You can get to the site by clicking here
Be sure to read all of the warnings contained on the various pages of the website and recognize that the information provided on the website is provided as a public service and there is a disclaimer for accuracy. In other words, please use the information as it was intended to be used. Do not use it to intimidate, harass, or to take any action outside the bounds of propriety. Nor should individuals or groups do anything that would be a violation of any law regarding any information found on the website.
Mountainair Community Garden Building Up Steam
by John Weckerle
Checking in with our friends at the Mountainair Arts blog, we find that the efforts toward building a community vegetable garden, spearheaded by iCreate, has been moving forward. A planning meeting was held last Thursday, and another will be held this Thursday, August 21, at 6 p.m. at the Community Park. For more information, including links to associated articles and information about the field trip in September, check out the letter from Dennis Fulfer posted August 18 on the Mountainair Arts blog.
A Convenient Trip Into The Past – Salinas Mission Pueblos National Monument
by John Weckerle
I always find myself amazed when local/regional residents tell me that they have never visited Wildlife West Nature Park; how is it, I wonder, that people who live so close could go without seeing what amounts to a jewel in their midst? The same may be true for Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, which includes three sites located at Abo, Quarai, and Gran Quivira. I’ve visited the missions a number of time, and brought visiting family members there last week for an afternoon of exploring and learning. Each site has its own visitor’s center, gift shop, and small museum in addition to the main visitor’s center located in Mountainair.
Gran Quivira (more photos “behind the cut”) »» A Convenient Trip Into The Past – Salinas Mission Pueblos National Monument
Mountainair Community Garden Project
by John Weckerle
Vanessa from Mountainair Arts has given us a “heads up” on a community garden project that is in the planning stage in Mountainair. The project is an effort of iCreate, Inc., a volunteer organization that relocated from the Rio Grande Valley to Mountainair in early 2008.
Community gardens vary widely in scope and focus. Many are dedicated to producing food, but there are some that are focused on flowers or intended to provide forage for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. According to some articles, community gardens may also promote a greater and more active sense of community. Educational gardens may provide valuable training for children or adults who wish to gain the necessary skills before starting their own home gardens. The concepts of “food security” and maintaining control over quality and health effects can also be addressed, at least in part, by community gardening. More information can be found at:
- Wikipedia
- The American Community Gardening Association
- How to Start A Community Garden on a Vacant Lot
- iVillage Garden Web Forum
- University of California Cooperative Extension – contains a good start-up guide.
More links can be found at Mountainair Arts.
Not Just An I-40 Corridor Blog
The publisher of the Mountainair Arts blog expressed a concern this weekend that was not interested in stories and information from the southern part of the region – Mountainair, Tajique, Torreon, Punta, Manzano, and others. We certainly are – and we’re interested in Willard, Encino, and all the other communities in the region. If you know somebody who has a story to tell from any of those areas, or anywhere in the region, please let them know about this blog, and we’ll work to get their news, views, etc. posted.
We’ve gotten things straightened out, and welcome Mountainair Arts as the first link on our blogroll!